Write a letter on Misuse of Microphones

The Editor
The Statesman
Kolkata - 700 001

               Sub: Misuse of Microphones

I convey my displeasure, caused by the misuse of mikes during feasts and
festivals. The use of mikes has become an awful fashion. Nowadays youngsters
organise the pujas. And in the name of worship they use the loud-speaker at top
pitch from dawn to mid-night. It blares out indecent film songs. The organisers have
no consideration for the patients or the examinees. Appeals to their good sense go
to the deaf ears. They do not want to understand that the din causes irritation to the
public and unrest to the patients. There is reason to believe that the police at present
are indifferent to such nuisance. It is a positive source of sound pollution.
In the circumstances, authorities concerned are earnestly requested through your
esteemed daily to put an end to this unpleasant practice.
90 S.N. Banerjee Rd.
Kolkata - 700 014
October 25,
